Dear colleagues,
Thank you very much for your interest in the 21th AsiaCALL International Conference. You can register to participate in the 21th AsiaCALL International Conference as follows:
The conference fee for local and international participants:
Fee type | Participation | Participation & Publication (AsiaCALL Online Journal) | Participation & Publication (Proceedings of PAIC) | Early birds (ends on 30th May) |
International participants/ presenters | 100usd | 130 USD | 130 USD | 10% discount |
Vietnamese participants/ presenters | 1.200.000 VND | 1.890.000 VND | 1.890 VND | 10% discount |
International students | 50usd | 80 USD | 80 USD | 10% discount |
Vietnamese students | 600 VND | 1.290.000 VND | 1.290.000 VND | 10% discount |
Note: The fee is non-refundable.
As soon as the program is ready, we will send you the details of when you will be presenting. Please visit the AsiaCALL website at https://asiacall.info regularly for updated information, registration, Conference program, links for presentations.
In order to pay for the conference fee:
Tài khoản tiền Việt Nam:
Tên ngân hàng: Agribank
Tên Tài khoản: Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TP HCM
Số Tài khoản: 1600201052214
Chi Nhánh: Sai Gòn - PGD số 1
Nội dung chuyển: AsiaCALL24-(Họ và tên người tham dự)-(Đơn vị)
Ví dụ: AsiaCALL24-Nguyen Van A-Dai hoc Van Lang
For foreign bank transfer:
Beneficiary Name: Agribank
Bank account: 1600201060025
Beneficiary Bank name: Ho Chi Minh University of Industry
Address: 12 Nguyen Van Bao Street, Ward 4, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Details of payment: AsiaCALL24 (Full name) (Affiliation) (Country)
Example: AsiaCALL24-David Smiths-University Korea
(If you wish to transfer the Conference fee via Paypal, send it to account asiacallconference@gmail.com)
For the Publication fee of Atlantis Press for the Conference Proceedings, please conduct the transaction to the following account:
For international authors, please use the Paypal Payment on the right-sidebar of the Website, and select the payment ($189). Otherwise, You can also transfer directly via Paypal to asiacallconference@gmail.com or use the Banking account above to conduct the transactions.
For Local authors, please transfer the proceedings fee ($189 = 4.612.000 VND) to the following account:
Bank: ACB
Account: 197524849
Name: Pham Vu Phi Ho
Branch: Ho Chi Minh City
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through asiacallconference@gmail.com or
Ms. To Nu: quachthitonu@iuh.edu.vn (84)989301183
Ms. Diem Thi: nguyenthidiemthi@iuh.edu.vn (84)983690987
WhatsApp: +84909850699 (Pham Vu Phi Ho)