The Attitudes Towards Distance Learning of Ton Duc Thang University Students and Teachers


  • Tran Ky Minh Uyen Creative Language Center, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam



distance learning, challenges, solutions


High school and university students in Vietnam are compelled to learn through the virtual classroom in the era of COVID-19, which traumatized many students because it is the only choice at that time. This study looks into the attitudes towards distance learning of 15 teachers and more than 300 students in Ton Duc Thang University during COVID-19. This was the first time they experienced classroom interaction through a screen with many teachers and learners, which caused many problems during the lesson. Overall, students’ attitude towards distance learning was negative. Many of them were overwhelmed by the heavy workload and the flooded learning materials, while the interaction with the instructor and other students was limited, which weakens their motivation to take on the assignments. Teachers also experienced the difficulties of managing the class, creating an eager classroom atmosphere through the screen, and also a huge workload. Acknowledging the adversity of distance learning from both teachers’ and learners’ view is the basic premise for the development of online language teaching methodology for Vietnamese learners who have little exposure to learning through the screen. This study contributes to the elevation of distance language learning in the Vietnamese context.


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How to Cite

Tran, K. M. U. (2021). The Attitudes Towards Distance Learning of Ton Duc Thang University Students and Teachers. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 533(978-94-6239-343-1), 159–165.