Blended Learning With an Integrated Model in Learning and Teaching


  • Phan The Hung Van Lang University



digital transformation, blended learning, integrated model, technology-enabled learning and teaching


In digital education, there are several challenges for schools and teachers to apply the concept of Education 4.0: (1) curriculum and teaching methodology, (2) no flipped classes, individualized learning, mostly synchronous, not asynchronous activities based on their syllabus or learning programs, (3) the application of artificial intelligence, the search for information in database, especially virtual reality (VR), (4) the tendency of self-learning, self-improvement, cooperation and communication, solutions to problems, creativity, and (5) long-life learning are the skills for the learners of today. To overcome these challenges, digital literacy is very important to both teachers and learners so that schools are set up as a digital environment including teachers and learners, knowledge, technology, and all the activities. The recent tendency in education in Vietnam is to promote an updated process in delivering methods in education together with technology-enabled learning and teaching in many countries in the world. That is the reason why blended learning has become more and more popular with the development of the computer and the Internet, creating opportunities for many learners in multiple locations to get access to user-friendly resources for their web-based learning. In addition, teachers are still the key performers in teaching and learning.Online education is still an updated argument and application in the digital transformation in the world. The article just introduces some major theories related to technology associated with learning. One critical question concerned whether an integrated or unified theory of online education could be developed to overcome its challenges.

Author Biography

Phan The Hung, Van Lang University

Dr. Phan The Hung is Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He is also the Director of the National Center of English Language Testing of VLU. He earned his M.A. degree in Applied Linguistics at Northern Iowa, USA, and his Ph.D. Degree in Linguistics at Queensland University, Australia. He has another Ph.D. degree in Language Studies at HCMC University of Education, Vietnam. In terms of management, Dr. Phan The Hung used to be Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies from 2005 to 2012 at Da Lat University, Vietnam. From 1991-1999, He the Director of the Center of Foreign Languages, and later from 2005-2012, the Vice-Director of the Center for Korean-Vietnamese Culture. In terms of publications, Dr. Phan The Hung has published a number of books and research articles in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. His main interests are Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Culture, and Language.

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How to Cite

Phan, T. H. (2021). Blended Learning With an Integrated Model in Learning and Teaching. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 533(978-94-6239-343-1), 11–18.

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