Students' Perceptions of the AI Technology Application in English Writing Classes




Artificial intelligence (AI), AI writing tools, Perceptions, English writing, Vietnamese students


With the rapid advancement of information technology, numerous cutting-edge techniques and technologies have been developed to improve learning generally and English learning specifically. The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in teaching and learning at universities is an inevitable trend in the Industry 4.0 era. This paper aims to investigate students' perceptions of AI technology application in English writing classes. 100 students from four General English classes at Vietnam National University (VNU) took part in this study. To achieve the research purpose, I combined quantitative and qualitative research methods through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The findings of the study indicate that students' attitudes regarding AI writing tools were favourable in terms of their accessibility, adaptability, and simplicity. However, some challenges are unavoidable when employing these tools, resulting from factors like learners' technology anxiety and lack of tool variety. I hope this research serves as a valuable resource for teachers looking to diversify their teaching methods and encourages students to enhance their interest and motivation in using AI tools for English learning.

Author Biography

Phan Thi Ngoc Le, VNU University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Dr. Phan Thị Ngọc Lệ is currently an English lecturer at VNU University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Her research interests include English Linguistics, World Englishes, L1 transfer to L2, Language and Technology, English for specific purposes, Peer assessment, and Academic writing.


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How to Cite

Phan, T. N. L. (2023). Students’ Perceptions of the AI Technology Application in English Writing Classes. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 4, 45–62.