Executive committee
Founding President (honorary position)
Professor Dr. Larry Chong, Gyeongju University, Republic of Korea.
Professor Dr. Andrew Lian, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand; Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam; Emeritus Professor University of Canberra, Australia. Andrew Lian is Professor of Foreign Language Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand, He specializes in the methodology of teaching foreign/second languages and has had a special interest in the uses of modern technology to enhance learning since the late 1970s. He is one of the pioneers of Technology-Enhanced Language-Learning in Australia. Previous to this appointment, he was Professor and Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Western Illinois University in the United States. Prior to that, he had been Professor of Humanities and Director of the Center for the Study of Languages at Rice University, Houston, TX, the USA, and Professor and Head of the School of Languages and International Education at the University of Canberra in Australia. He has held further Professorial appointments and been Head of Department in two other universities in Australia (James Cook University and Bond University). His current research interests are in the area of self-adjusting and self-organizing (language/culture-)learning environments based on rhizomatic approaches to (language/culture-)learning and the generation of personal learning environments within a 21st-century perspective. As a consequence, he is also interested in the development and use of multimedia databases in (language/culture)-teaching and learning. More details can be found at https://andrewlian.com/new and https://andrewlian.com. He can be reached as President at AsiaCALL
Vice-President for Administrative Affairs
Assoc. Prof. Pham Vu Phi Ho, Ph.D., Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam. He used to be a Vice-President of Ba Ria – Vung Tau University, and Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Van Hien University, Vietnam. Pham has been published 47 research articles in both local and International Journals (ISI/Scopus-indexed), and 7 books and course books, 2 course-books were used for undergrad students at HCMC Open University, VN, and one course-book was used for both the undergraduate and graduate level at Lourdes College, Higher Education Department, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. He has international experience in teaching English at Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand; especially, he worked as a Professor at Gyeongju University, South Korea, in 2014. He is the Vice President for Administrative Affairs of AsiaCALL and the managing editor of its Online Journal. He is also an editor for the Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics (Scopus-indexed), an editor for the International Journal of English Linguistics, and a peer reviewer for some international Journals indexed in ISI/Scopus such as Computer Assisted Language Learning, Open Sage, International Journal of Instruction. His main interests include Academic Writing, peer responses, translation, Teaching methodologies, and Technology-enhanced learning.
Vice-President for Research & Innovation and Chief Editor of the AsiaCALL OnLine Journal
Dr. Ania Lian, Senior Lecturer (eq. Associate Professor) in Education (Teaching and Learning), Charles Darwin University, Australia. Since 1993, Ania has held positions at various universities in Australia, with her work focusing on the uses of technology in second language learning and in education in general, including software development. She has also worked at the National Policy Office of the Council on the Ageing in Canberra and has a history of working on a voluntary basis with the wider community on sustainability projects within the framework of the Queanbeyan Business Council, NSW. Ania has been a keynote speaker at a number of academic conferences both in Australia and in Asia, where she engages in building collaborative networks between CDU and other universities, with the aim of expanding the international focus of all involved. The leading objective of her teaching and research is to explore the concept of inclusive learning environments, with a specific focus on learner-centredness. Her recent interest in graduate attributes developed from these concerns which form the framework of her approach. Her professional portfolio can be found by clicking HERE. As Vice-President, AsiaCALL (Research and Innovation) Ania has created the AsiaCALL Professional Learning Community (https://sites.google.com/site/asiacallplc/) and, on Facebook, The AsiaCALL Ph.D. and Research Chat Page http://www.facebook.com/AsiaCallPhdAndResearchChat. All members of AsiaCALL are invited to join. She can be reached at VPResearch at https://asiacall.info
Vice-President for Communication, Networking and Events
Associate Professor Dr. Kalyan Chattopadhyay, Bankim Sardar College, University of Calcutta, India. Kalyan Chattopadhyay works as Associate Professor at Bankim Sardar College, University of Calcutta. Kalyan has been involved in Technology-mediated language teaching for over 20 years, working as a lecturer, teacher trainer, researcher, and consultant in a range of national international contexts. He has given plenary and invited talks in Cambodia, China, Japan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, the UK, and Vietnam. He researches on virtual worlds, digital literacy practices, web, mobile and social media based learning and interaction design. He authors course books for the Cambridge University Press, publishes his research regularly. He has received an IELTS Research award in 2014 as well as JALT’s 2016 Bill Balsamo Asian Scholar Award.
A University of Leeds and Hornby Trust alumnus, Kalyan is AsiaCALL Vice-President for Communication, Networking and Events, and past coordinator of the IATEFL Young Learners & Teenagers SIG. As Vice President, AsiaCALL he is keen on the association’s relationship-building efforts, including establishing networks, developing linkages through the web and other media, and organizing the AsiaCALL annual conference. He can be reached at VPEvents at asiacall.info.
Past Presidents of AsiaCALL
AsiaCALL has been honored to have the following persons who served as President.
Presidents of AsiaCALL: 2006 – 2011

Professor Dr. Christine Sabieh
Notre Dame University, Lebanon.
Psychology, Education & Physical Education
Vice President of Lebanese Psychological Association
President of Lebanese Psychological Association
Research Gate
President of AsiaCALL: 2005 – 2006

Professor Doctor Shameem Rafik-Galea
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.
Professor of Applied Linguistics
Head, Department of English
University Putra Malaysia
Google Scholar
Founding President: 2002 – 2005

Professor Dr. Larry Chong
Gyeongju University, Republic of Korea