Perceptions of Postgraduates Towards Using Citation Management Software in Academic Writing: A Case Study in a Vietnamese University




citation management software, Mendeley, academic writing, perception, bibliographic information


Citation management software (CMS), especially Mendeley, has been suggested for researchers to automatically manage bibliographic information thanks to its complementary version with significant space for data storage. However, little research has been conducted regarding the applicability of Mendeley to the academic writing of postgraduates, especially in Vietnam. This study examined postgraduates’ perspectives toward utilizing Mendeley in academic writing during their language master’s programs at a public university in Vietnam using a mixed method. Data was collected through pre- and post-survey questionnaires of 45 postgraduates majoring in foreign languages and in-depth interviews for a thorough investigation. The findings indicated that Mendeley enhanced the participants’ research productivity and quality, but technological issues and a lack of training limit its use. Also, the study recommended that the institution organize workshops, seminars, and fundamental training courses in Mendeley for postgraduates to use it efficiently.

Author Biographies

Nguyen Hai Linh, FPT Polytechnic College, FPT University, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Ms. Linh Nguyen is an English teacher for non-English-major students at FPT Polytechnic College, FPT University, Vietnam. Her research interest is language teaching methodology, especially for teaching listening and speaking skills. She always tries her best to help non-English-majored students enhance their English competency.

Nguyen Thi Luong, FPT Polytechnic College, FPT University, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Ms. Luong Nguyen is an English lecturer at FPT Polytechnic College, FPT University, Vietnam. She is interested in applying technology in teaching and classroom management.

Pham Thuy Quynh, Hanoi University of Industry, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Ms. Thuy Quynh Pham is currently a lecturer working for EMI group, Faculty of English Language at School of Languages and Tourism, Hanoi University of Industry. She has been involved in developing syllabus and teaching materials for EMI courses. Her professional interests include English for Occupational Purposes, English as the medium instruction and ICT in Language Teaching and Learning.

Le Duc Hanh, Hanoi University of Industry, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Ms. Le Duc-Hanh has been working as an English lecturer at the School of Languages and Tourism, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam since 2007. Besides teaching, she currently works as the deputy director of the center of training and partnership development at her school. She has taken responsibilities of designing, teaching EOP blended programs for technical students. Her areas of professional interest include professional development, EMI, and ICTs in education.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, H. L., Nguyen, T. L., Pham, T. Q., & Le, D. H. (2024). Perceptions of Postgraduates Towards Using Citation Management Software in Academic Writing: A Case Study in a Vietnamese University. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 6, 35–53.

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