Using Grammarly in Enhancing Students’ Grammatical Accuracy in English Writing: A Case at a Private College in Hanoi
Automated Writing Evaluation, Grammarly, writing skills, grammatical accuracyAbstract
Writing is regarded as a hard-to-deal skill in English, and achieving grammatical accuracy in writing is considered challenging for most English learners. As technologies advance, Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) tools have increasingly been implemented in English language education to enhance learning outcomes. As an AWE assistant, Grammarly has been found beneficial in improving English learners' writing skills. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using Grammarly in enhancing learners’ grammatical accuracy in writing. The study utilized a case study design with qualitative and quantitative data collected from thirty-two second-year college students. Learners’ writing assignments were analyzed using surface structure taxonomy followed by a survey questionnaire to get quantitative data for the research. Qualitative data was provided through a focus-group interview. The findings revealed a reduction in learners’ grammatical errors after Grammarly intervention and their positive attitude toward using Grammarly to improve their English writing. Afterward, there were several recommendations for teachers to foster their students’ English writing skills.References
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