Reflecting Journal Writing and Primary Students’ Writing Fluency
Reflective journal writing; vocabulary acquisition; writing fluency; writing accuracy; writing errorsAbstract
This research attempted to investigate whether reflective journal writing had an impact on the primary students in learning vocabulary and writing in Vinschool Central Park, HCM City, Vietnam. Participants in the study were 60 Level 3 primary students aged 8 to 10 years. Those 60 students were divided into supervisory (n=30) and experimental (n=30) schools. With the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, both groups were taught, but after three months, the treatment group wrote reflective papers in the wrap-up process of each vocabulary session, while the control group started writing and writing on a regular basis. The research results showed that the RJW had great effects on students’ writing fluency as well as reducing their writing errors. The results present pedagogically important consequences for content designers, language teachers, and students.
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