Application of Project-based Learning to Improve the Learning Styles of Tourism Students at Hanoi Open University




learning styles; models, Project-based learning


Learning styles are diverse ways that people learn and process information. They can impact how their learners understand, retain, and apply new knowledge. That is why understanding learner’s learning styles can help improve their learning process and lead to better performance. In the context of the Faculty of Tourism – Hanoi Open University (FOT-HOU), the researchers had an opportunity to observe students’ typical learning styles and recommended an appropriate solution to maximize them for their personal development. A survey based on the questionnaire of Honey and Mumford (2000) analyzed the typical learning styles suitable for tourism students. The results have determined that the effective style for learning tourism English at FOT-HOU is the combined transformation of all four learning styles. Project-based learning is the solution to help the students approach and improve their self-study capacity for learning tourism English in the most effective way.

Author Biographies

Pham Dieu Ly, Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi Open University, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Ms. Pham Dieu Ly is a main lecturer and the Head of the English Department, Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi Open University. Her work involves managing an ESP curriculum and teaching specialized English for tourism. Moreover, she participated in training courses for tourism employees and some international cooperation programs as a trainer and a moderator. Her research interests include teaching methodology and ESP, especially English for tourism and hospitality.

Nguyen Thi Thao, Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi Open University, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thao is a main lecturer at Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi Open University. Her work involves teaching professional and specialized English for tourism and hospitality. Moreover, she participated in training courses for tourism employees and some international cooperation programs. Her research interests include teaching methodology and ESP, especially English for tourism and hospitality.

Phan Thi Phuong Mai, Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi Open University, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Ms. Phan Thi Phuong Mai is a main lecturer and the Ex-vice Dean at the Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi Open University. Her teaching and management experience helped her become a competent researcher in Applied Linguistics. Her research interests include teaching methodology and curriculum development, especially in the fields of tourism and hospitality.


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How to Cite

Pham, D. L., Nguyen, T. T., & Phan, T. P. M. (2024). Application of Project-based Learning to Improve the Learning Styles of Tourism Students at Hanoi Open University. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 4, 188–208.