Learners Perceptions of Using Google Classroom (GC) in Learning English at a High School in Vietnam
Covid-19, online study, Google Classroom, perceptions, online learning qualityAbstract
Google Classroom (GC) is a popular application used during the pandemic. To examine students' perceptions at a high school in Vietnam of using GC in learning English, the authors carried out a qualitative-and-quantitative study in the 1st semester of the school year 2021-2022. The online study was a must for students at almost all levels in Vietnam to ensure their course completion throughout the Covid-19 waves. A 19-item questionnaire was delivered to 179 participants, followed by structured interviews with eight questions for 12 randomly-selected students. The study results indicate that there is a general consensus in students' perceptions of exploiting GC as a tool to learn their target language. Most students felt satisfied with employing the application because it is easy to use and useful for their language learning despite the fact that they got little technical assistance from their parents. This paper is expected to enhance the beliefs of teachers and researchers in general and those of languages in particular in utilizing GC to improve their students’ online learning quality.
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