Teachers' Perspectives on the Flipped Classroom (FC) at Tertiary Education





flipped classroom (FC), benefits, perspectives, challenges


The combination of virtual learning with classroom-based instruction as an innovative method to enhance students' learning in active practice has attracted ample interest from researchers and practitioners in the field of second language learning. Several previous studies have elucidated students' perceptions of the benefits and challenges of attending the flipped classroom (FC). Nevertheless, the ones addressing instructors' perspectives on the flipped classroom model and practice, especially in the context of English language teaching at the tertiary level in Vietnam, were scattered, flimsy, and inconclusive. Thus, a case study approach employing a questionnaire, interview, and observation investigated teachers' perceptions of the FC in tertiary education. An in-depth interview following a questionnaire that was delivered to 40 teachers at a foreign language faculty was conducted to have more valuable details about the advantages and disadvantages of the FC, while several observations were conducted to see how FC is applied in practical teaching situations. The findings clearly showed that the majority of the instructors were in favor of the FC model despite visible challenges. As long as these prerequisite requirements had to be taken into account - students' preparation at home, time expansion for active practice, and teachers' huge effort in preparation, a successful FC was reachable.

Author Biography

Vo Thi Hoa Canh, University of Finance -Marketing, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Vo Thi Hoa Canh, M.A., is a lecturer in English at the University of Finance - Marketing. She obtained her master's degree in TESOL at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities. With the experience of 10 years of working in English language education, she has developed a considerable interest in ELT methodology, the application of technology in second language education, and action research.  


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How to Cite

Vo, T. H. C. (2022). Teachers’ Perspectives on the Flipped Classroom (FC) at Tertiary Education. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 1, 46–62. https://doi.org/10.54855/paic.2213

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