Exploring Tertiary Vietnamese EFL Students’ Engagement in Vocabulary Learning through the Use of an AI Tool





AI tools, POE, repeated-measure ANOVA, digital vocabulary learning


The utilization of AI tools in language teaching is increasingly popular worldwide. Existing literature suggests that educators have integrated AI tools into their teaching methodologies to enhance student learning. Among the tools, POE is currently being used by several Vietnamese ESL teachers. Nonetheless, students’ engagement in and their perception of the effectiveness of the tool still needs to be explored. Hence, this research was carried out to assess student engagement in utilizing this AI chatbot for students’ vocabulary learning and their perceived usefulness and benefits. With a mixed-method approach, the study was conducted at a public university in Vietnam with a sample of 31 English-majored students. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed with the use of repeated-measures ANOVA (RMA), while the qualitative data were analyzed following thematic analysis guidelines. The findings revealed that most of the participants found the tool useful, and they were actively engaged in learning vocabulary using this tool. The research outcomes propose valuable insights for university EFL teachers regarding the integration of AI tools like POE into curricula to optimize students’ learning experiences with innovative language instruction.

Author Biographies

Pham Thi Thu, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Thu-Thi Pham is currently working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City. She has also taught part-time at other universities and English centers for almost ten years. Her research direction involves language teaching, language assessment, task-based language teaching, and technology-enhanced language teaching and learning.

Nguyen Lam Anh Duong, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Anh-Duong Nguyen has obtained ten years of teaching the language to a diverse population of learners in a number of academic contexts (universities, businesses, and language centers). Her research interests are using technologies in teaching English, curriculum designs, and methods in teaching English skills.

Dang Hoang Mai, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hoang-Mai Dang is currently working as a lecturer in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She has been teaching English since 2013. Her research interests are teaching methodology and applying information technology in teaching.

Le Thi Thien Phuoc, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Thien-Phuoc Le is an English lecturer at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in linguistics and language skills. Her research interests include lifelong learning, student engagement, project-based learning, and technology for sustainable learning. 


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How to Cite

Pham, T. T., Nguyen , L. A. D., Dang, H. M., & Le, T. T. P. (2024). Exploring Tertiary Vietnamese EFL Students’ Engagement in Vocabulary Learning through the Use of an AI Tool. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 4, 129–149. https://doi.org/10.54855/paic.23410