Title: no more than 17 words and use “Title case” (the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for small words)

Abstract: between 150 and 200 words.

The abstract should include:

  1. Background of the study
  2. Research gaps (if any)
  3. Research context and samples
  4. Data collection
  5. Results/findings
  6. Suggestions (if any)

Biodata statement: approx. 50 words including your job position, institution, country, skills taught, research interests and experiences.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind review.

Abstract submission

Click HERE to submit your abstract to AsiaCALL2022. It will lead you to the Easychair website for submissionThe file should be in PDF format.

You will need to sign up for an account in Easychair

If you need any assistance, please contact asiacall2021@gmail.com

Thank you and see you at the AsiaCALL2022 International Conference.