AsiaCALL2011 (10th International AsiaCALL Conference) was held at the Language Center at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand from 18th November - 20th November 2011.
Presentation Transcript
Regional Cooperation in CALL/TELL: Integration and development of research:
Regional Cooperation in CALL/TELL: Integration and development of research Andrew Lian School of Foreign Languages Suranaree University of Technology We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. ( Anaïs Nin) The universe is made up of stories, not atoms (Muriel Rukeyser) When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change (Max Planck) AsiaCALL2011 -11 November 2012
Prerequisites for successful cooperation:
Prerequisites for successful cooperation The need to value ourselves The need to believe in ourselves The need to value our degrees I say this because Asia with its specific cultural profiles and large student numbers has something special to offer the rest of the world – new models or important modifications to existing models
Kinds of research being performed:
Kinds of research being performed How do we know about each other’s research Good things can happen when you make these discoveries Role of AsiaCALL and conferences BUT this is not enough as much research is hidden: we need something more systematic than serendipitous discoveries at a conference We also need something retrospective to identify what we have done and where we have been: E.g. my survey of current projects E.g. my history of TELL in Asia and Australasia
Necessity for serious networking :
Necessity for serious networking Personal networks: e.g. the Critical TELL network (join it) at http://ljunction.com/crittell Professional networks, e.g. AsiaCALL (with a social site?) Country-specific groups e.g. IndiaCALL etc., wikicall.org University networks including MOU partners - a new way of looking at issues and increasing critical mass at low cost but high enrichment – a kind of social network specifically for universities and their partners Government networks: e.g. national and international research centres
Some obstacles to overcome:
Some obstacles to overcome The relationships between Academia, Teachers, the Community: possible conflicts and power relationships Can we afford compromise? “Just get on with it Andrew!” Time management issues – we are always running out of time Things that we can all agree on (such as certain tools e.g. a multimedia database or a structure for providing social support by various people) even if there are things that we disagree on (such as theory). In other words, is there any consensus that we can capitalise on? Yes there appear to be some things – a few just mentioned
A suggestion for moving forward:
A suggestion for moving forward Identify 3-4 intellectually ambitious but coherent projects, focusing less on fragmented data-driven research and more on intellectual frameworks and staffed by recognised specialists, supported by graduate students… even if theoretically contradictory with one another and… let each of those projects develop their own specific research plans which, under ideal circumstances… would also be connected with teachers and interested members of the community at large and… It is especially important to avoid fragmentation to ensure that each project has critical mass and is intellectually interesting then… Let all the flowers bloom and let’s see what happens…
As a consequence…:
As a consequence… This helps avoid the incoherent fragmented research encouraged by current reward structures, may lead to some new and interesting discoveries and move the profession forward rather than promoting individuals up the academic scale while leaving the big questions of language learning both untouched and unresolved. Such a project might be, for example, my project to develop a self-adjusting language learning environment based on a postmodern view of the world .
Important features are::
Important features are: A focus on intellect A focus on coherence Existence of a critical mass. Permission to be different. And a communication system.
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Thank you!
Prof. Andrew P. Lian
Academic Writing ASIACALL 2011
Presentation Description
Presentation by Dr. Ania Lian, CDU, Australia, AsiaCALL 2012 An innovative model for assisting Critical Writing Skills ..
Presentation Transcript
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The Overall Objective “The critic is not the one who debunks, but the one who assembles”. […] [ It is one who constructs] a multifarious inquiry launched with the tools of anthropology, philosophy, metaphysics, history, sociology to detect how many participants are gathered in a thing to make it exist and to maintain its existence. Latour , 2002 , A prologue in form of a dialog between a student and his (somewhat) Socratic professor , Conclusion section, para . 12.
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Mobility and Mobilisation Assembling , in order to “detect how many participants are gathered in a thing to make it exist” AND in the process assist TRANSFORMATION (Allan Luke & K. Dooley, K. 2010 . Critical literacy and second language learning). ACCESS What we access and how we make meaning out of this MOBILITY
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https://sites.google.com/site/ global learning community /
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The collaborative environment
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Understanding your teacher’s question An example of an Assignment Question produced by a lecturer: Students’ problem: Where to start? How to make sense out of this question? “Discuss how Indigenous groups can be involved in the Australian tourism industry. Give examples and discuss the impacts.” Source : http://library.curtin.edu.au/
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The trick is: To begin with the general task of the assignment; Gradually adding new information
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I show how to turn this: “Discuss how Indigenous groups can be involved in the Australian tourism industry. Give examples and discuss the impacts.” Source: http://library.curtin.edu.au/ Into that: In this assignment I seek to identify examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and will show how discussing their impacts can potentially assist in a better understanding of the context of possible future projects
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I show how to turn this: “Discuss how Indigenous groups can be involved in the Australian tourism industry . Give examples and discuss the impacts .” Source: http://library.curtin.edu.au/ Into that: In this assignment I seek to identify examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and will show how discussing their impacts can potentially assist in a better understanding of the context of possible future projects
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STEP 1 (Reflection process) State your topic broadly STEP 2 (Reflection process) Formulate your initial question STEP 4 (Reflection process) Form a justification: “ I would like to explore this, because…” STEP 3 (Reflection process) Ask about the relevance of your question Involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry, examples and their impacts What are the examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and what were their impacts? I would like to ask about the examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and what were their impacts, because their discussion may assist in a better understanding of the context of possible future projects. Why ask about the examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and what were their impacts? STEP 5 (Reflection process) The question of my research What kinds of examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and their impacts would assist in a better understanding of the context of possible future projects? STEP 6 Your question In this assignment I seek to identify examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and will show how discussing their impacts can potentially assist in a better understanding of the context of possible future projects “Discuss how Indigenous groups can be involved in the Australian tourism industry . Give examples and discuss the impacts .”
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In this assignment I seek to identify examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and will show how discussing their impacts can potentially assist in a better understanding of the context of possible future projects Focus of the next step Focus of the ANALYSIS The object of INQUIRY
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Steps of ANALYSIS In this assignment I seek to identify examples of involving Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry and will show how discussing their impacts can potentially assist in a better understanding of the context of possible future projects Question A better understanding of the context of possible future projects Object of INQUIRY
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Object of INQUIRY A better understanding of the context of possible future projects What are the issues? Identify examples of involvement. Organise these examples in terms of the different issues that they help to raise. Which approaches solve what? Identify aspects of approaches that have managed well, or avoided, some of those issues. Relate these aspects to relevant concepts and frameworks. In your Discussion section, illustrate if successful practices followed expectations of the current business models, or not. Are there any unexpected relationships to report? What are the lessons that we have learnt? Identify qualities of project design and management that can assure best outcomes when seeking to involve Indigenous groups in the Australian tourism industry? Conclude by summarising the steps of your inquiry. Illustrating information that the data reports Interpreting data in terms of relevant frameworks. Show the contribution of your analysis to current knowledge Show the relevance that different approaches brought to the question Looking for differences in the data
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Object of INQUIRY A better understanding of the context of possible future projects Financial arrangements Partnership s tructure Community involvement Project’s location Building community capacity … Perspectives explaining why things worked and implications to our models Constructing a framework for future projects What are the issues? Illustrating information that the data reports How can we talk about it? Theorising data. Identifying the significance of the collected data to current knowledge What have we addressed? Show the relevance that different approaches brought to the question of the inquiry.
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Thank you