The Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language-Learning (AsiaCALL)
16th International Conference Information Website
Tongren University
Tongren City
For all matters relating to registration, fee payment, visa, and other practical information, please contact Ms. Wang Ping, Conference Organizer at Tongren University at wp901027@qq.com .
By popular request, the Call for Papers has been extended. Please consult the CFP either through the menu or by scrolling this page.
AsiaCALL is honored and delighted to announce that AsiaCALL2018, the 16th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, will be held in November 2018 at a date to be announced shortly. (Doctoral consortium/ pre-conference workshops will precede the conference proper). It will be hosted by Tongren University in Tongren City, China. AsiaCALL is deeply grateful to Tongren University and Professor Dr. Tian, Xingbin, Dean of the College of International Studies and Education, for the privilege of holding this AsiaCALL conference in Tongren City, China, and for the university’s great commitment to supporting this event.
The Conference Programme will include a Doctoral Consortium, and Workshops as part of the Pre-conference Day, Keynote and Plenary sessions, Individual papers, and Workshops.
For all details and Important Dates, please refer to the AsiaCALL conference website at http://asiacall.org/conference (you will be redirected). Details and other information will be released progressively as they become available.
Andrew Lian – President

By popular request, the Call for Papers is being extended. The Call for Papers is now open. It opened on April 18, 2018 and will close on July 31 as follows.
Non-Chinese Residents: September 15, 2018.
The Call for Papers for non-Chinese Residents is now closed!
Chinese Residents: September 30, 2018.
To submit an abstract, please click HERE then follow instructions carefully
AsiaCALL2018, the 16th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, is seeking proposals for papers/workshops from language researchers and practitioners, CALL enthusiasts, users, researchers and developers of computer technology for teaching and learning on a wide range of themes, including but not limited to:
THEME: “CALL in Asia and the World: Innovative Scholarship, Practical Solutions, Enhanced Sustainability”
- Developments in Neuroscience
- Developments in Mobile Teaching and Learning
- Collaborative and/or Interactive Learning with Technology
- Teaching Learning Practices with Social Media Technologies and Beyond
- E-learning and the Challenges
- Minimally Invasive Technology and Language Learning
- The Role of Teacher and Learner in Technology-Mediated Learning
- Teacher Education and Technology Integration
- Digital Game-Based Learning
- Virtual Communities and Teaching Learning Practices
- Technologies for Teacher Education
- Creating and/or Managing Online Teaching Learning Environment
- New Developments in Pedagogy of Language Teaching and/or Content with Technology
- Technology & Assessment Practices
- Multimedia-Based Teaching and Learning
- National, Regional and International Challenges and/or Reforms in Technology Use
- Cyber-culture, identity and language
- Blended Learning and Technologies
- Other Related Areas
To submit an abstract (200 – 300 words), please click HERE then follow instructions carefully
NOTE 1: Registering on the abstracts website does NOT register you for the conference. Conference registration is a separate process.
NOTE 2: If you registered for an AsiaCALL Abstract in the past, you should be able to use your previous login credentials.
NOTE 3: If you experience a problem that you cannot solve, please use the Contact Us form above or send an email to contact2@asiacall.org
Professor Zhang XihuaBeijing International Studies University, ChinaDr. Zhang Xihua, Professor of intercultural communication, cultural studies, and English Education at Beijing International Studies University. In recent years, she has published more than 30 papers, 8 academic monographs, and theoretical translated books. She is the chief editor of more than 20 textbooks. She has also been:
1. Dean of the School of English Education from 2009 to 2014, Academic Affairs Division of BISU from 2014-2017.
2. Director of the English Education Development Center of Beijing Municipal Universities
3. Director of the Center of Denmark Studies Accredited by Ministry of Education of China
4. Standing Committee Member of the College English Research Association of Beijing
5. Standing Committee Member of the China Educational Linguistics Association ( CELA)
6. Committee Member of Translators Association of China (TAC )
7. Member of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS)
8. Member of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA)
9. Member of the Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (Asia TEFL)International Research Experience:
1. 2006-2007 Visiting scholar at Copenhagen University sponsored by CSC (China Scholarship Council).
2. 2011 Visiting scholar in Copenhagen University sponsored by China Social Science Fund Committee. Main Research Projects chaired:
1. Development of Test of English Proficiency (TEP) and English Education Reform in Beijing, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, 2014.
2. Cross-cultural Studies on English Writing on China after WWII, 2010-2012. National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science
3. Beijing’s Development of the Cultural Markets in 16 Central and Eastern European Countries, 2015-2018 Beijing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science
4. Orientalism in Intercultural Communication, 2007-2009,Hunan Planning Office of Philosophy and Social ScienceAwards:
1.Excellent Teaching Award, Beijing International Studies University, 2012
2.Outstanding Teacher Award, Beijing International Studies University, 2012
3.First Prize for Teaching Achievement in BISU in 2012 and Second Prize in Beijing Municipal Government in 2013—-“Beijing College English Curriculum Reform and students’ Foreign Language Ability Cultivation Reformation”
4.First Prize for Teaching Achievement in BISU in 2014 and the First Prize in Beijing Municipal Government in 2018,—- “Development of Test of English Proficiency (TEP) and English Education Reform in Beijing” Contacts:
Email: zhangxihua2008@163.com; zhangxihua@bisu.edu.cn
Address: Beijing International Studies University, No.1 Ding Fu Zhuang Nanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100024, China
Fax & Tel: +86 10 65770071
Cellphone: 0086-13811382982
Integration, Innovation, Development: Opportunity and Practice for Application of Modern Educational Technology in English Teaching
In China, the State attaches importance to the work of Education Informatization and the Ministry of Education promulgated the “Educational Informatization Development Plan 2011-2020” and “the Annual Key Points of Education Informatization Work”. The “Internet +” action plan is put forward in the work report of Prime Minister Li Keqiang. The national education informatization policy helps guide universities to improve the quality of education. So information technology should be deeply integrated into English teaching and the advantages of the Internet can be well applied in English learning strategy and teaching modes with boundless resources. Education Informatization is also proposed in the Guide of College English Teaching, which is the Bible for College English Teaching. So from the state level and professional level, education informatization is emphasized. The opportunities and challenges of globalization motivate education informatization and speed up the process of education informatization. Education informatization can be feasible in every perspective of English teaching. In BISU, there are at least three main ways to adopt it in practice. The first is online courses for students at different levels to study, where a teacher becomes a guide behind the learner instead of a sage on the stage. Learning contents, requirements, and assessments can be tailor-made. The second is a global shared classroom. The Appalachian State University of the US, University of Burapha of Thailand, Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Puebla University of Mexico, and BISU share English classrooms simultaneously. Teachers and students from both sides can virtually sit in the same classroom and exchange with each other, where the Internet and related facilities create a real intercultural communication environment to promote the real, immediate intercultural communication practice. It is a perfect combination of language, culture, and communication, all-round cultivation of students’ intercultural communication ability without going abroad. The Application of CMIC in Cultivating Learners’ Cross-cultural Communication Competence proves efficient. The third is all students should finish 4 credits of online courses, which is to encourage students to learn excellent international courses and learn how to learn. Be a learning teacher in times of education informatization as there are endless challenges from students in the era of IT, challenges from online teaching institutions, challenges from international sources.