Meet our Keynote and Plenary Speakers

Professor Dr. Andrew P. Lian
Professor of Foreign Language Studies, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand; Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam; Professor Emeritus, University of Canberra, Australia; President of AsiaCALL.
Annual Presidential Keynote Address:
Where to from here? Generating the new normal in this extraordinary century.

Professor Dr. Hayo Reinders
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi: Bangkok, Thailand. He was a Professor of Education and Head of Department at Unitec in New Zealand and Dean of the Graduate School at Anaheim University in the United States. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the journal 'Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching'.
Larry Chong Keynote Address:

Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu
Vice-President, Hoa Sen University, Vietnam.
Larry Chong Keynote Address:
Building Artificial Intelligence Advantage for Vietnam TESOL
in the Post COVID-19 World.

Dr. Ania B. Lian
Senior Lecturer in Education, College of Education, Charles Darwin University, Australia, Vice-President of AsiaCALL Research and Innovation.
Integrating innovation into English language teaching (ELT) practice in general education in South East Asia in the post-COVID19 era.