Dear authors
AsiaCALL2025 offers several avenues for publishing your research:
- International Journal of AI in Language Education (IJAILE):
- Submission: If you choose to publish your article in the International Journal of AI in Language Education (IJAILE), please submit your paper to https://ijaile.org. The publication fee is 40usd/paper for the conference presenters.
- Note: Don’t forget to use the journal’s template and forms for your submission. The forms can be downloadable from the Journal Guides for authors.
- Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference (PAIC):
- Submission: To publish your article in the Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference (PAIC), please submit your paper to https://asiacall.info/proceedings. The publication fee is 40usd/paper for the conference presenters.
- Note: Ensure that you adhere to the proceedings submission guidelines and use the provided template.
- Special Issue in the Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (ScopusQ1):
- Opportunity: AsiaCALL2025 will feature a Special Issue in the Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ), a Scopus-Q1 journal.
- APC: A separate publishing fee of 189 USD per paper is required in case the paper is accepted for publication All reviewing processes for free of charge.
- Submission Process: Please email your manuscript to asiacallconference@gmail.com for an initial check. If your work has the potential to be considered for publication in the Special Issue of CALL-EJ, we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to submit it to the journal.
Notes: The Publication Fees are separate from the Conference fees, and the paper is only charged when the paper is accepted for publication after double-blind peer reviews. Don't include any publication fee in the conference fee.
Don’t forget to use the respective journal’s template and forms for your submissions.
Here is the Guidelines for the International Journal of AI in Language Education
Previous AsiaCALL Publications
17th AsiaCALL Proceedings (Atlantis Press)
18th AsiaCALL Proceedings (Atlantis Press)
19th AsiaCALL Proceedings (Atlantis Press)