Teaching and Learning English for Tourism After the Covid-19 Pandemic in Universities and Solution Proposals


  • Tran Thi Kim Tuyen Sai Gon University, Vietnam




English for tourism, teaching and learning English for tourism, English for tourism after the Covid-19 pandemic


The topic “Teaching and learning English for tourism after the Covid-19 pandemic in universities and solution proposals” to a growing need for sustainable development of tourism as well as tourism human resources training after the Covid-19 pandemic. In this topic, we use teaching methods such as survey listing, analysis, description, and synthesis to examine the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on teaching English for tourism on occupational training for tourism human resources training. Since then, the author offers solution proposals about teaching and learning English for tourism at universities of Covid-19 pandemic in order to improve students’ learning outcomes and where concepts can be gradually built on the quality of teaching the English language for tourism major. In addition, we also contribute to timely response to the country’s increasing need in the language of tourism and in the economic, cultural, and social sectors in Vietnam in the period of development and integration after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Author Biography

Tran Thi Kim Tuyen, Sai Gon University, Vietnam

Tran Thi Kim Tuyen is a lecturer at Sai Gon University, Vietnam. She earned her Master and Ph.D in Linguistish years ago. Her hoppies are reading, studying and teaching. Her research interests are problems with semantics, language characteristics, and language capacity development. Her paper is “Teaching and learning English for tourism after the Covid-19 pandemic in universities and solution proposals”.  

She hasn’t presented at international conferences yet and this is her first time to attend the international conference AsiaCALL2021, the 17th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning so she hopes everybody helps her to share the experience.  


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How to Cite

Tran, T. K. T. (2021). Teaching and Learning English for Tourism After the Covid-19 Pandemic in Universities and Solution Proposals. Proceedings of the AsiaCALL International Conference, 533(978-94-6239-343-1), 135–140. https://doi.org/10.2991/assehr.k.210226.017

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